As the world faces a global decline in male androgens, the search for alternative medicine and solutions for androgen deficiency is continuously intensifying. The last few decades Several studies have observed a decline in average testosterone and DHEA(Precursor) levels. It's important to remember that this decline is observed taking in to account the natural reduction in testosterone as men age. Adequate levels of these hormones are critical for men’s health, well-being and reproductive system. Scientific evidence shows that factors like environmental toxins, poor diets, stress hormones as well as sedentary lifestyles significantly contributes reduction in androgens. The repercussions of low testosterone are quite impactful: decreased muscle mass, reduced libido, increased fatigue and often reduced cognitive function.
In response to these concerns, the search for alternative natural supplements have increased as potential competitors of TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy). Among these natural supplements is Tongkat ali, scientifically known as Eurycoma longifolia and often goes by the name Longjack. Tongkat ali extract is a traditional herbal remedy from southeast Asia. Its recently gained a lot of recognition for its aphrodisiac properties as well as its ability to naturally boost testosterone levels.
Famous podcaster Joe Rogan as well as Professor of neurobiology at Stanford University Andrew Huberman (check out his AI here: have supported the herb's therapeutic benefits on the body. They have vouched for its antioxidative properties, fighting of free radicals as well as its ability to balance testosterone and cortisol levels. In this article we are going to evaluate these claims whilst taking relevant research into account.
Composition and Mechanism of Tongkat ali

The composition of eurycoma longifolia extract is a key contributor to its widespread therapeutic properties. Tongkat ali being a natural supplement, contains several complex bioactive compounds (Ingredients). This contrasts with synthethic medicines which usually rely on a single active ingredient. These bioactive components are defined as phytochemicals (Naturally occurring compounds), they are beneficial for the body by way of affecting various pathways. These compounds are mostly found in the roots of tongkat ali.
Research has found that the following are the most prevalent compounds:
- Quassinoids
- β-carboline alkaloids
- Triterpenes
- Flavonoids
These compounds are the reason behind tongkat ali's numerous health benefits. They act upon several bodily systems through their influence on various molecular pathways. Research has shown that they positively impact mood, energy levels and our natural stress resilience. Additionally, they have been found to support cognitive function, as well as physical performance through their testosterone-boosting effects.
Let’s now take a closer look at the herbs claimed health benefits:
An Energy and Testosterone Booster

First and foremost, it is important to establish a foundation about the hormone itself and to clarify common misconceptions. Contrary to popular belief, testosterone is a crucial hormone for both men and women. The hormone is necessary for both sexes to maintain overall health, wellness and to some extent, cognitive function. However, it is factual that the hormone has variables roles in each sex and therefore is required in different amounts. For men it is the primary sex hormone, which is why men in general have more testosterone. For women, the main function of testosterone is to maintain libido and sexual function.
The following are some of the primary functions of testosterone in both sexes:
- Development of reproductive system
- Support muscle mass and strength
- Maintains Libido and Sexual satisfaction
- Regulates mood and energy levels
These vital bodily functions make it clear that testosterone is a crucial hormone for both sexes, supporting not only reproductive health but also overall vitality. Testosterone affects many important aspects of our body. Healthy amounts of this hormone is essential for our bodily functions. Increased libido, increased muscle mass, strength and upkeeping bone density are all consequences of adequate amounts of testosterone.
Testosterone types
Testosterone exists in our body in various forms. However, we primarily divide testosterone by its biological activity level:
- Free testosterone: This is the testosterone which is not bound to any proteins in the blood, it is consequently considered the most biologically active form. Free testosterone can easily enter cells and effect our body in its various manners, Increasing libido, muscle mass and effecting mood.
- Bound testosterone: When testosterone is bound it is considered inactive and cannot exert its effect on the body. This is the majority of the testosterone in the blood, and it is bound either to Albumin or SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin). Testosterone bound to albumin can in a restrictive manner exerts its effect on tissues, however it is less active than free testosterone.
Mechanism of tongkat ali
Tongkat ali supplementation has been utilized for centuries in traditional medicine to enhance male vitality and performance. In modern times, recent research and studies have proven its efficacy in boosting testosterone levels. There are mainly two mechanisms of tongkat ali supplementation which affects testosterone levels:
Reduction of SHBG: Research on this herbal medicinal plant suggests that the increase in testosterone levels may be associated with a decrease in SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). This reduction allows for more of free testosterone, as less of the hormone remains bound, making a larger proportion available for the body to utilize effectively.
- Stimulation of testosterone production: The phytochemicals of tongkat ali have been linked with stimulation of the Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. This system plays an essential role in regulating testosterone in the body. By stimulating this axis and consequently stimulating the release of LH (Leutinizing hormone) and FSH (Follicule stimulating hormone) tongkat ali can promote increased testosterone synthesis.
To understand more about testosterone we have compiled a 66-page e-book on biohacking testosterone protocol that you can follow to maximise your output potential
Adaptogenic health benefits of tongkat ali

Boosting energy and testosterone production are not the only benefits associated with tongkat ali supplementation. Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat ali) is actually classified as an adaptogen similarly to Ashwagandha and Ginseng. An adaptogen is considered a natural substance which is believed to help the body resist physical and psychological stress. This aligns quite well with the benefits of tongkat ali and its properties:
- Stress reduction
- Immune system support
- Antioxidative properties
- Blood sugar regulation
Major Studies on Tongkat Ali extract
Tongkat ali being a natural supplement, demonstrating its efficacy can prove to be challenging. This is because in general herbal supplements are less widely studied and different producers and origins of the herb itself might change its properties. With tongkat ali however, there has been several larger-scale studies indicating many of its claimed benefits. Many of these studies have been peer reviewed as well as being conducted in various formats such as:
- Randomized clinical trial
- Placebo group controlled
- Single and double blind
Study 1: Tongkat ali effect on testosterone and muscle mass
This study was conducted in 2014 by Henkel. R and took it upon itself to assess the notorious claim regarding tongkat ali's testosterone boosting effects. The trial was conducted as a placebo-controlled study on 13 men and 12 women. The participants were given 200mg of tongkat ali extract every day for 5 weeks. The studys goal was to examine:
- Free testosterone levels
- Muscle strength
- Physical performance
After 5 weeks of supplementation, on average free testosterone levels increased by approximately 37%. Both male and female participants showed increases in testosterone, however the increase was more prominent in males. Muscle strength was evaluated by various exercises, including handgrip strength tests as well as other resistance training exercises. The average increase in muscle strength was around 10-15%. Physical performance was assessed by general activity levels as well as subjective personal assessments. In general participants reported feeling notably less fatigued as well as having more energy throughout the day. These results suggests that tongkat ali supplementation can be quite beneficial for testosterone, muscle strength and general physical performance.
Study 2: Tongkat ali effect on stress reduction and cortisol levels
Tongkat ali's effect on stress hormones was assessed in this randomized, placebo controlled, and double-blind study done by Talbott, S.M in 2013. The study’s aim was to assess the herbal extracts adaptogenic properties and to gather empirical data around this. The participants consisted of 32 moderately stressed men and women, with ages spanning from 21-65. They received 200mg of tongkat ali extract over 4 weeks. The study was measuring the following:
- Cortisol levels (Main stress hormone)
- Mood and stress (POMS Test)
- Overall wellbeing (General subjective assesment, hormonal levels)
On average the participants experienced a 16% reduction in cortisol levels, which was a significant reduction from their baselines. Cortisol is the main stress hormone, and lower levels of it are associated with reduced stress. A psychological assesment tool known as "The profile of mood states" (POMS) was used to map changes in mood states. The test takes into account states such as: tension, anger, fatigue and confusion. Results from this test showed great improvements in this test, with a reduction of -11% in tension, -12% in anger and -15% in confusion. In terms of overall wellbeing, participants reported feeling more relaxed as well as reporting a positive influence to their mood, this aligns with hormonal values evaluated. The results in this trial suggests a pretty significant efficacy of tongkat ali as an adaptogen, deeming it a good natural solution for stress reduction.
Key takeaways
- Decline in Testosterone: Global reductions in testosterone are tied to lifestyle factors like toxins, poor diets, stress, and inactivity.
- Natural TRT Alternative: Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia), a Southeast Asian herb, is gaining popularity as a natural testosterone booster and adaptogen.
- Active Compounds: Key bioactives (quassinoids, flavonoids, etc.) help increase testosterone and support stress resilience.
Mechanism of Action:
- Lowers SHBG: Reduces binding proteins, freeing more active testosterone.
- Stimulates HPG Axis: Activates pathways that naturally boost testosterone production.
- Benefits for Men and Women: Essential for muscle mass, libido, mood, energy, and bone density
Study Highlights:
- Testosterone & Strength (Henkel, 2014): 37% increase in testosterone, 10-15% improvement in muscle strength, enhanced energy and reduced fatigue.
- Stress & Cortisol Reduction (Talbott, 2013): 16% decrease in cortisol, improved mood with less tension, anger, and confusion.
- Versatile Adaptogen: Supports stress reduction, immune health, antioxidant defense, and blood sugar regulation.